Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Friday, May 26, 2006
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Give yourself a URI | Decentralized Information Group (DIG) Breadcrumbs
Give yourself a URI | Decentralized Information Group (DIG) Breadcrumbs
? ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?--?ppopuuu-- Hunhhhh?? Universal Resource-- Identity? (this is T.Berners-Lee's blog--!)
? ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?--?ppopuuu-- Hunhhhh?? Universal Resource-- Identity? (this is T.Berners-Lee's blog--!)
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
:: My Life In The Bush Of Ghosts ::
? ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?
?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?popu, tienes tiempo/inclinación de hacer un joint project aprovechando las pistas que ofrecen eno/byrne para remix con la voz grabada de? mi hermano que acaba de cumplir el año de muerto? ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?
?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?popu, tienes tiempo/inclinación de hacer un joint project aprovechando las pistas que ofrecen eno/byrne para remix con la voz grabada de? mi hermano que acaba de cumplir el año de muerto? ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?
Monday, May 22, 2006
From Carmelo Ruiz
Pearl Jam's "Life Wasted" Video
The new music video for Pearl Jam's "Life Wasted" was released under the Creative Commons Attribution- Non-Commercial-NoDerivs license, so that people anywhere can legally copy, distribute, and share the clip. This is the first Pearl Jam video to be released in eight years and the first video produced by a major label to be CC-licensed. Pearl Jam and J Records are offering the video as a free download at Google Video through May 24th. After May 24th, the clip will be made available for sale.
Ryuichi Sakamoto: stop-rokkasho.org
Esteemed composer and musician Ryuichi Sakamoto has launched stop-rokkasho.org in response to the opening of a nuclear reprocessing plant in the Japanese village of Rokkasho. To lead off an international awareness campaign, Sakamoto wrote and recorded a track called "Rokkasho" � featuring rapper Shing02 and guitarist/producer Christian Fennesz � under the group name Team 6. The vocal and instrumental tracks have been made available under the Creative Commons NonCommercial Sampling Plus license, so that people can remix, sample, or remodel the track.
Pearl Jam's "Life Wasted" Video
The new music video for Pearl Jam's "Life Wasted" was released under the Creative Commons Attribution- Non-Commercial-NoDerivs license, so that people anywhere can legally copy, distribute, and share the clip. This is the first Pearl Jam video to be released in eight years and the first video produced by a major label to be CC-licensed. Pearl Jam and J Records are offering the video as a free download at Google Video through May 24th. After May 24th, the clip will be made available for sale.
Ryuichi Sakamoto: stop-rokkasho.org
Esteemed composer and musician Ryuichi Sakamoto has launched stop-rokkasho.org in response to the opening of a nuclear reprocessing plant in the Japanese village of Rokkasho. To lead off an international awareness campaign, Sakamoto wrote and recorded a track called "Rokkasho" � featuring rapper Shing02 and guitarist/producer Christian Fennesz � under the group name Team 6. The vocal and instrumental tracks have been made available under the Creative Commons NonCommercial Sampling Plus license, so that people can remix, sample, or remodel the track.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Breaking the PC/TV Barrier
Breaking the PC/TV Barrier
It may be the last frontier in home entertainment, but an Internet startup and a TV upstart are lining up the wagons to begin the journey across the nominal "last 10 feet" in America's living rooms separating the TV set from the home computer.
Personal Message:
here we go-- again?
It may be the last frontier in home entertainment, but an Internet startup and a TV upstart are lining up the wagons to begin the journey across the nominal "last 10 feet" in America's living rooms separating the TV set from the home computer.
Personal Message:
here we go-- again?
Friday, May 12, 2006
The Magnificent Moles of Oaxaca - Mole Coloradito
The Magnificent Moles of Oaxaca
...in my Fonda de la Fantasía I have learned how to make gnocchis/dumplings from casi todas las viandas--?
yuca (tapioca root)--?lerenes (arrowroot)??--apio ('celery'root??) maybe different calabazas (squashes)--?
yaut? (tannier) & malanga (taro)......?? batata (yam?)...
--& pair them with moles or Caribbean variations on moles, trying to use almendras de playa and other nuts & seeds...
--like on our visit to Evan Kleiman's Angeli Caffé in LA, Mark & I had some tasty fluorescent pink 'gnocchis'?
(more like dumplings to me in size and texture, larger?& softer)?
made with beetroot & ricotta-- how about apio or calabaza & queso de hoja???
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Mensaje : ...hmmm-- ¿Parece que la más reciente oleada inmigratoria es de Colombia--?
¿Por lo menos entre empresarios autoempleados como los q menciona el artículo...?
¿Por lo menos entre empresarios autoempleados como los q menciona el artículo...?
Monday, May 01, 2006
"Lo que yo digo es, haz lo tuyo, no lo que otros esperan que tú hagas. Al final, ellos son los que se van a poner al día contigo, y no al revés aun si les toma 10, 15, 20 años". Así dijo una vez Thelonious Monk, pianista y compositor de jazz por excelencia, en un momento de su carrera en el que su música todavía era subestimada en algunos sectores de la crítica y el público, por ¿excéntrica? e ¿incomprensible?.