

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Ruralisation & Cohousing



Monday, June 19, 2006

Polbo - Dile A Raquel

These guys are great-- sad, dark themes to relentless pop melodies-- & great retro videos, each & every one!!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

The Pour by Eric Asimov - When Age Is Measured In Days

...As Bob Dylan said gnomically on Theme Time Radio Hour, his show on XM satellite radio, ?Alcohol will kill anything that?s alive and preserve anything that?s dead.?? What that means, essentially, is that wine is stronger than we think. So leave it over if you wish, but don?t wait too many days before drinking it up.

amVorstadt: bung-a-low

trust, first things first--

how long have I been holding my breath, no questions
am I breathing water yet, gills torn open
somewhere beneath my ears

tempted to indulge, I fill my lungs with murky bottom

Sunday, June 11, 2006

First tropical depression forms in Caribbean

? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?The system, which had maximum sustained wind near 35 mph, would be named Alberto if it reaches the 39 mph threshold for a tropical storm.

?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?--well. hope Orlando gets hit BAD. & a couple cops get killed. bwaahahahahaha- 'poetic justice'!??

Monday, June 05, 2006

amVorstadt...mittwoch 24/31 Mai

(Vorstadt= Suburbia)

faucets dry th last 24 hours...after a week of low- into mid-90's heat plus dewpoint & humidity factors...
arghh...better start getting used to it...
as if on cue, just heard a news bulletin on declarations by Carl Soderbergh, EPA's PR head, warning?
la isla is second only to Haiti in vulnerability to water resources crisis...
when I stroll out to dinner, Piccolo Posto is having a power outage after having replenished th water
in their cistern storage tank after running dry earlier in th day...
--so?I stroll on in th dark, with th half-empty bottle of?Jean-Luc Colombo's 100% old-vine Rousanne Saint-Peray?
I wanted to share with Piccolo Posto's owner Joe Rao;?around th half-assed, pedestrian-excluding
under- & over-passes in th ever & always (except now, after nine in th evening)
trafic-clogged Fort Buchanan intersection, to th Argentinian steak house, for some chicken & salad...

...a week and twenty-four hours add up to Donnerstag-- ThundersDay-- aching to live up to its name--
sultry air sinks sticky still to flatten us
beneath th familiar grey threat?
of veiled clouds...bearing down...like renewed abuse...

...so-- a second straight week I only managed three running days, & barely over?thirty struggling minutes?
each time at that...
can't sleep, then I can't wake up...Saturday morn I gulped down some coffee & rushed out to th gastroenterologist
(my cousin's husband) to finally share my abdominal sonogram & liver protocol tests--
shoulda phoned. office closed, out on vacation. so I continue to wonder how much of this
recurrent pain, dizzyness, fatigue & memory lapses is/are merely age & stress-- 'mental'--
& how much of it all science might finally, at some point, deem to be actually 'physical'...