

Wednesday, October 28, 1998

am strand hebdo/wanderlust

(just as i thankd carlos o for th use of his packard-bell & two nights
of freezing air-conditioned splendor away from th debris of th beach
house, gracias a chehugo for a chance to try out his web tv setup in
catching up w/ my newletter/serial installments!)
new york city is celebrating th yankees' world series triumph while i
look back on th last month: i wonder if it's part of post-traumatic
stress syndrome to evidence memory gaps? i don't remember when dr.dad &
javier finally showed up @ th beach house- was it as early as thursday
of that first week? -& was it friday or saturday that i finally took
javier up on his invite to stay over, only to be kept up most of th
night while he bangd on th window, ranting on about orion's belt,
th pleiades, ufo's & armageddon?
i spent just over two wks up to my flight on thursday th 8th living
mostly on clif bars, coffee & th occasional octopus salad- w/ an hour of
sweeping (squeegeeing?) floodwaters & glass shards here, an hour of
clearing branches & dead leaves there, & many hours in between of
near-overwhelmed contemplation of th fragility, transience & ultimate
futility of all human ambition & enterprise...
to cut to th chase- or from one chase to another- one of th engines on
th plane flying up to newark sprung a leak in a fuel line & had us
sitting in a big pool of gas until they had all passengers deplane for
th resulting hour's delay grew exponentially while straightening out
details on my rental agreement
@ th hertz' counter...
i managed to hydroplane @ an average
70 mph thru an occasionally heavy connecticut rainstorm to reach my home
for th new alchemy reunion wkend- carol mead's in osterville, not far
from hyannis, a 1,000 thank you's, carol!- sometime before two in th
morning...th reunion deserves a fuller report than i can spool out @
this time- suffice it to say it may have bn th most positive, important
step i've taken in furthering each & every one of my various projects &
dreams... meanwhile, as has become th rule for autumn, ich spiele der
steppenwulf am new york...bis gleich, hugs to all- david=(8{>

Thursday, October 01, 1998

kfeen13/pythagorean10 commutes

...construction crews are pulling serious overtime laying superaqueduct pipe this Friday night...lavender-white mercury floodlamps light up th dig like a jim cameron location shoot: yellow cranes growl & tear @ mounds of dark earth. I've got a stiff clutch to sink- or, my little four-wheel drive toyota does- & my left thigh hurts fit to cramp...I follow a river of red taillights, winding its way out of san juan on th highway: th blood corpuscles of this island society, clumping about th toll plaza @ th foot of th hill...

Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 1998 10:24 AM
Subject: am strand#9(...number nine...) estuary

open-shut case, insight lands me
endless- incomplete & struggling
still, to glow peace on th margins
of th gold-depleted mangrove delta-

aimful fireflies float burn-green
gender signals to cocoon my pace
another sticky-silk dead August twilight
* ghostly traffic old as silence or big bang

needs whirr like cicadas while
th landscape shadows into doubt
& hunger hones endurance into anger

(yet soak th violent courtship off
our dancing skin to slough th burden
shrouding every miracle mute)

(power outage. stuck coffee craving. things i don't want to see- a man & a woman in a car, passenger door side open- his hand a tight fist, pulling her hair as she yells to let go- 'suéltame!' ...if i were phillip marlowe or a similar six-foot, hundred & eighty pound hardboild knight errant, i might butt in- 'excuse me, th lady said LET GO'- but i continue on my run, gritting my teeth- maybe i can ring 911 from th little cafetín-bar by th surf break down th road...)