

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

RIP Nam June Paik

se fue otro papi-pionero...(& regret me quede mudo re.: wicked pickett's passing...reminded me i need to restart shaking my ass ev'ry once in a while before i atrophy...) Over the next few years, Mr. Paik arrived at an early version of performance art, combining cryptic musical elements  usually spliced audiotapes of music, screams, radio news and sound effects  with startling events. In an unusually Oedipal act during a 1960 performance in Cologne, Mr. Paik jumped from the stage and cut off Cage's necktie, an event that prompted George Maciunas, a founder of Fluxus, to invite Mr. Paik to join the movement. At the 1962 Fluxus International Festival for Very New Music in Wiesbaden, Germany, Mr. Paik performed "Zen for Head," which involved dipping his head, hair and hands in a mixture of ink and tomato juice and dragging them over a scroll-like sheet of paper to create a dark, jagged streak.

ARTS / ART & DESIGN | January 31, 2006
Nam June Paik, 73, Dies; Pioneer of Video Art Whose Work Broke Cultural Barriers
Nam June Paik was an avant-garde composer, performer and artist who was widely considered the inventor of video art.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Chomsky - There Is No War On Terror

What's your biggest regret over 40 years of political activism? What would you have done differently?

I would have done more. Because the problems are so serious and overwhelming that it's disgraceful not to do more about it.

What gives you hope?

What gives me hope actually is public opinion. Public opinion in the United States is very well studied, we know a lot about it. It's rarely reported, but we know about it. And it turns out that, you know, I'm pretty much in the mainstream of public opinion on most issues. I'm not on some, not on gun control or creationism or something like that, but on most crucial issues, the ones we've been talking about, I find myself pretty much at the critical end, but within the spectrum of public opinion. I think that's a very hopeful sign. I think the United States ought to be an organizer's paradise.

What sort of organizing should be done to try and change some of these policies?

Well, there's a basis for democratic change. Take what happened in Bolivia a couple of days ago. How did a leftist indigenous leader get elected? Was it showing up at the polls once every four years and saying, "Vote for me!"? No. It's because there are mass popular organizations which are working all the time on everything from blocking privatization of water to resources to local issues and so on, and they're actually participatory organizations. Well, that's democracy. We're a long way from it. And that's one task of organizing.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Sculpin - reading and language

...my other problem is consciousnesss of monolingual, culturally

challenged 'audience'/lectores, & being able to signal

whether an archived text is espanish, inglays, espanglish, inglanyol, o amalgama total

--a guerra avisada no muere gente/forewarned is forearmed, don't create expectations you can't fulfill

so frustrations with the vessel lead to spitting out the brew...cappisch'??

apologies for my enduring hermit star turn, a tus órdenes en mi celda-trinchera digital...d=(8{>

ps, & i cd almost steal that rail track image header off her page

for WLM- pero en realidad tengo fotos propias que tengo que acabar de escanear, &c &c

The Mapmaker and The Map

...Josh Larios was selling his Chapman Stick (--in 2003, I found out! )

so I followed a Google link to his site...

there was an "Easter Egg" hidden in his Colphon/bio page that gave

the background (story) to his map wallpaper...it's a beauty!

viele grüsse, zens.d=(8{>


Los Ilegales - España

tíiio, no sé si te interesa el 'rock macarra' (existe la categoría o me gradúo de rockritic??) de esta gente...asistí a una presentación en Madrizz en el '88 y fui tan pendejo que no me dió la gana de flirtear un poco con el Almodóvar questaba grabando video paque me diera en papelito en alguna de sus producciones...utilizé el tema 'Cantemos una Canción Obscena' en la pieza de performance que me dió 15 minutos de notoriedadz en la escena chichi de vanguardia deste puto no-país...cuando me acabe de tostar, gastaré lo que me quede de dinero en comprar ediciones originales de sus discos en vinilo y...'Leaving Las Vega-Bajas'!

Los Ilegales

Monday, January 09, 2006

Abby Winters

Abby es una fotógrafa from/in Oz con su webpage especializado en natural naked sporty chicks
(seems aat least partly aimed at the lesbian demographic- verrrrry interesting)
en esta bio, she gets into geeky photo, video & computer server/hosting specs...very enlightening--
tal vez el Señor disfrute y aproveche la info mejor que este servidor

Friday, January 06, 2006

Ill Will Press / Foamy

not exactly what my mission purpose for wanderlustmedia is all about, but...
whatcha think? check some episodes out!
like-- jiggly butt, free your mind, exotic chocolates & of course, lewd lingerie & bra bashing!!!

