

Friday, September 03, 1999


trouble w/ th yahoo mail server, it seems. a posting to hans-peter in antibes never made it- cdn't save th

draft, cdn't send it- i kept getting a 'document is empty' box...
ANYWAY-got sick again- though i'm really weirded out, i've just had this fatigue, malaise, achy joints, no sore

throat, no head cold- super-dry scorched earth burning pain in my sinuses, though...but then i started noticing

symptoms intensified after meals & i started wondering if i was having my recurrent problem w/ bad bacteria in

my gut-candida or any of those other non-pathogenic non-problems to western medicine... so i got some vicious

natural echinacea extract, & started eating garlic toast w/ every meal, putting garlic in my peppermint tea,

even...seems to be helping...feel better today...also searching out for pineapple juice...maybe

gentian...golden seal... yeah, back in bayern, driving in to th family farm from munich, frau schachtner,

alex's mom, got me fresh sage & dried peppermint from her garden...still, being a total stranger, i didn't want

to be too weird about food, so i had a diet of mostly pork, dumplings & cucumber salad for th ten days i

visited...i think i was mostly over th cold in couple of days, but th heavy food & strong coffee i brewed for

mself got me trying to do my running maybe a little too quick on th draw, & blowing buckets of snot to th wind

just about 'til th end of my stay...
guess i mucus'd out & i'm @ th other extreme end of things now... meanwhile, back in bayern...i felt well

enough those last few days to go out dancing w/ alex, his girlfriend, vanessa, who came down from hamburg for a

couple of days, wild&creizy guy christof, & surrogate family matriarch michaela- micha for short. boy, i

breathed more second-hand smoke in one night than i had in my previous year in puerto rico! -oh, i did make a

dancing fool of mself by mself a few days earlier in passau...they played that ummm- i'm not sure if it's th

jacksons or just michael-y'know- 'shake yr body down to th ground'?
& BTW, we had a nice little 'family' meal of takeout pizza & i sprung for a great montepulciano, not abruzzese,

but from le marche...& was read my first 'gummy bear' oracle- i cdn't help but think of christalĂ­a- it was her

particular kiddie candy addiction holdover & i don't think i'd heard of gummy bears before or since them- well,

this one german nut has workd out a whole oracle where you pick five- one for each color- & th color pattern

tells you where you are & what's happening- i-ching w/ candy, though even more in-th-moment, i don't think you

can ask about any specific concern, though i may be wrong. well, it pretty frighteningly accurate about where i

am in my life, & my particular brand of caretaking codependence! i tell you, uncanny. so th upshot is, i'm

family now. we will see what obligations & privileges that might entail...i'd love to go back for another

visit. th waitress @ 'il cavallino', where we got th pizzas & wine, was a dark, almond-eyed italian beauty from

th region just north of calabia (or puglia? calabria, i think...) & i can't seem to get her out of my mind.

maybe i was born to be an adult-child dirty old man... lovey-dovey/lovey-dovey all th time...dj=(8{>


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