hebdo.amStrand/daily accretion
Wednesday th 05, 05.1999 (21h44) maybe this is a crucial, integral, essential part of th process, a good sign
of being on th right path, a positive first or second or third step along th way, but it certainly is
bewildering, confusing & oftentimes frustrating...is it something new? maybe it's merely a personality quirk,
one particular level of conditioning & illusory rationalisation...there doesn't seem to be one focus, one
significant object that draws th attention of my desire- seeming to promise fulfillment where others may
not...it's as if I've lost th faculty of discrimination- all objects that excite my desire promise partial
satisfactions, perishable... possibilities multiply into meaningless infinity...
Thursday th 06, 05.1999 (11h54) as 1983 became th dire year 1984 & my thirtieth birthday approached, th
landscape & weather of my heart took form around me on old silver beach in cape cod...it was colder than usual
that winter, from what everybody said-ponds & cranberry bogs froze because of subzero temperatures for days on
end...but then there was a dramatic, prolonged midwinter thaw, fog showing in thick cones of light from th
old-fashioned road lamps & condensing to drip from th wires looping loosely down between posts...
Sunday th 09, 05.1999 (20h03) what a pain in th ass...restore & reinstall & clean install for mother's day
&&&fquin keyboard...later... (23h20) doglynx...catwolf or
wolfcat...felupus...wolfeline...felis-canis-lupus...cat-wolfdog...coyote/coyotrick...gatepack... bat swooping
down @ me on th run to cibuco tonight...testing & leading me...th converse to gerard manley hopkins' 'morning's
minion', th 'windhover'...dogs along th darkening twilit road...green fireflies back out in force on my
return...I'm daring mself to go just a little further in th dark along th driftwood & seaweed strewn shore
towards th cibuco rivermouth every other run or so...
(wed.th 12th- having a hard time finding time, making time again...making
appointments, meetings, dance & yoga
& ch'i k'ung/qi gong classes...too much in th world & not of it?)
of being on th right path, a positive first or second or third step along th way, but it certainly is
bewildering, confusing & oftentimes frustrating...is it something new? maybe it's merely a personality quirk,
one particular level of conditioning & illusory rationalisation...there doesn't seem to be one focus, one
significant object that draws th attention of my desire- seeming to promise fulfillment where others may
not...it's as if I've lost th faculty of discrimination- all objects that excite my desire promise partial
satisfactions, perishable... possibilities multiply into meaningless infinity...
Thursday th 06, 05.1999 (11h54) as 1983 became th dire year 1984 & my thirtieth birthday approached, th
landscape & weather of my heart took form around me on old silver beach in cape cod...it was colder than usual
that winter, from what everybody said-ponds & cranberry bogs froze because of subzero temperatures for days on
end...but then there was a dramatic, prolonged midwinter thaw, fog showing in thick cones of light from th
old-fashioned road lamps & condensing to drip from th wires looping loosely down between posts...
Sunday th 09, 05.1999 (20h03) what a pain in th ass...restore & reinstall & clean install for mother's day
&&&fquin keyboard...later... (23h20) doglynx...catwolf or
wolfcat...felupus...wolfeline...felis-canis-lupus...cat-wolfdog...coyote/coyotrick...gatepack... bat swooping
down @ me on th run to cibuco tonight...testing & leading me...th converse to gerard manley hopkins' 'morning's
minion', th 'windhover'...dogs along th darkening twilit road...green fireflies back out in force on my
return...I'm daring mself to go just a little further in th dark along th driftwood & seaweed strewn shore
towards th cibuco rivermouth every other run or so...
(wed.th 12th- having a hard time finding time, making time again...making
appointments, meetings, dance & yoga
& ch'i k'ung/qi gong classes...too much in th world & not of it?)
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